
王建省教授(Prof. Wang Jianxing):

(英文常用名:Wang Jianxing,Wang J.X.,Jianxing Wang,J.X. Wang),北方工业大学教授。现担任北方工业大学力学系列课程责任教师,《理论力学》精品课程负责人。岩土工程硕士点学术带头人,协助责任教授进行结构工程硕士点工作。现任双本科班导师,建筑工程学院学术委员、学位委员,土木系学术委员、学位委员,北方工业大学工程力学研究所(筹)主任。1964.2月出生,汉族,1986年在北京工业学院获理学学士学位,1989年在北京理工大学获工学硕士学位,后考取博士,学习了所有博士学位及非学位课,完成全部博士课程,期间承担了The Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences的研究工作,并参与了北京市自然科学基金(the Beijing Natural Science Foundation Program)、北京市教委科技发展计划(the Scientific Research Common Program of Beijing Municipal Commission of Education)等的研究。Int. Conf. on Modern Appl. Tech. and Management Sci.学术秘书, 获北京市优秀力学教师、全国力学教学优秀教师等称号,北京高级专家,多家学术期刊特约审稿人,教育部高校教指委委员、北京市科委、有色总公司推荐专家,全国高校素质教育教材研究编审委员会委员,北京力学会会员,中国力学学会高级会员,以第一作者发表论文近60篇,多篇为ISTP等检索。主持及承担科研项目13项,北京市青年科技骨干项目、北京教委科技发展项目(the Scientific Research Common Program of Beijing Municipal Commission of Education)等主持人, The Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences分项目负责人,北京市自然科学基金(the Beijing Natural Science Foundation Program)、北京自然科学基金及北京教委科技发展重点项目(Beijing Natural Science Foundation Program and Scientific Research Key Program of Beijing Municipal Commission of Education)等主要研究成员。以第二获奖人获校级教育教学成果2等奖2次,即将出版的《建筑力学》教材主要编著人,参加国际会议9次,如:WCCM Ⅵ&APCOM 04,获国际邀请11次,如:IASMiRT( Prague, Czech Republic), ICCES‘05-INDIA,CSSM2006(Lisbon, Portugal )等,做重点报告3次,一般性大会宣读论文10篇。获教育部课指委全国青年教师基础力学徐芝纶杯讲课比赛3等奖。

王建省教授 联系方式: Email: wangjx6@ncut.edu.cn, 联系电话:+8610-88802829(教授办),+8610-88803203(学科办),传真:+8610-88803279 办公地点:北京市石景山区北方工业大学四教1002教授办。


[1] 王建省,三维瞬态热弹性问题的自适应网提炼技术,上海力学,1997(18):78-83(ISSN0254-0053//CN31-1244)

[2]      考虑蠕变效应的N组装体荷载传递研究,应用力学与工程科学,西南交通大学出版社,1998(5):77-81(ISBN7-81057-185-0/O·098)
[3]      Wang JX, Approximation Technique Of Specially Boundary Values In Using Of The Boundary Integral Equation Method, Proceedings of Second International Symposium on the Role of Engineering Mechanics in the Training of Engineers. International Academic Publishers. 1998,10:22-27(ISBN7-80003-431-3/T·12)
[4]      Wang JX, An Investigation To The Theorization Of Computer Aided Instruction For Engineering Mechanics, Proceedings of Second International Symposium on the Role of Engineering Mechanics in the Training of Engineers. International Academic Publishers. 1998,10: 181-185(ISBN7-80003-431-3/T·12)
[5]      Wang JX, Wang XC, New-Style Constitutive Relation For Thermo-Elasto-Plastic Dynamic Problems Of Three-Dimensional Porous Medium , Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of New Engineering Materials. International Academic Publishers.1999,9:75-78(ISBN7-80003-451-8/TB·36)(№:CN038865316)
[6]      Wang JX, Wang XC, Reasearch On Harmonic Thermo-Visco-Elastic-Plasticity Waves In Porous Medium, Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of New Engineering Materials. International Academic Publishers.1999,9: 431-434(ISBN7-80003-451-8/TB·36)(№: CN038865882)
[7]      王建省等,边界积分方程的一种高阶估算技术,工程力学,1999(10): 267-271(ISSN1000-4750//CN11-2595/O3)(CODEN GOLIEB)(CSTA,Ei)
[8]      王建省等,组装结构中的混合边界积分方程模型,工程力学, 1999(10): 272-275(ISSN1000-4750//CN11-2595/O3)(CODEN GOLIEB) (CSTA,Ei)
[9]      王建省等,热流作用的多孔介质突变面梯度分布模型,工程力学, (Proceedings Of The Ninth National Conference On Structural Engineering,) 2000(10)Vol.1:389-393(ISSN1000-4750//CN11-2595/O3)(CODEN GOLIEB) (CSTA,Ei)
[10]  Wang JX, Wang XC,Research On Thermos Quality Transmission Problems For Porous Medium Of Permeate Flow With Creep,in: Modern Mathis and Mechanics, MMM-Ⅷ,Eds by Chen S H et al, Zhongshan University Press, Guangzhou, P R China ,2000,11:415-421(ISBN7-306-01697-0/O·73)
[11]  王建省等,具有流固热耦合影响的可变形多孔介质动态物质面分界特征,力学2000,气象出版社,北京,2000,8:242-243(ISBN7-5029-2978-9/O·0073)
[12]  王建省等,高阶边界元法处理瞬态热弹塑性问题的新格式,Theory of plasticity and engineering, In honor of professor Bingye Xu’s 70th anniversary,(塑性力学与工程),万国学术出版社、世界图书出版公司,2002,7:130-134(ISBN7-5062-5457-3/T·5)
[13]  王建省等,新型混合边界积分方程模型研究,力学与工程应用(第九卷),中国林业出版社,2002,8:190-193(ISBN7-5038-3147-2/TB·0368)
[14]  王建省等,多孔介质的一种流-固耦合动态边界理论,工程力学,2002,19(1):97-102(ISSN1000-4750//CN11-2595/O3)(CODEN:GOLIEB)(CSTA,Ei)
[15]  Wang JX,Ning JG,A New Theory Of Constitutive Relation For Thermo-Elasto-Plastic Problems In Porous Medium, Proceedings Of The 4th International Conference On Nonlinear Mechanics, Editor in Chief :CHIEN Weizang(钱伟长), Shanghai 2002, Shanghai University Press, 2002,8:364-367(ISBN7-81058-077-9/ O·007)(ISTP,IDS Number:BV95U)
[16]  Wang JX,Wang XC,Study on Elasto-Plasticity Boundary Element Method by a New Self-adaptive Mesh Refinement Technique, Boundary Element Techniques, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Boundary Element Techniques, Editor in Chief : Zhenhan Yao, M. H. Aliabadi,TsinghuaUniversityPress and Springer, ,2002,8:389-392(ISBN7-303-05745-1/ O·241)
[17]  Wang JX,Wang XC,Constitutive Relation Of Thermo-Elasto-Plastic Impact Problems For Frozen Soil Porous Medium, Mechanical properties of advanced engineering materials, Tsinghua University Press & Springer-Verlag , ,2003,10:69-75,(ISBN7-302-07411-9/O.324)
[18]  Wang JX,Wang XC,Numerical Analysis Of Contact Thermo-Elastic-Plasticity Problems With Creep For Frozen Soil, Mechanical properties of advanced engineering materials, Tsinghua University Press & Springer-Verlag , ,2003,10:63-68,(ISBN7-302-07411-9/O.324)
[19]  Wang JX,Ning JG,A New Format of Elasto-Plastic Constitutive Relation for Frozen Soil Porous Medium, Computational Mechanics, Tsinghua University Press & Springer-Verlag, 2004,9:401:1-7,(Book,ISBN7-302-09342-3/O•399)(CD-ROM:ISBN7-89494-512-9)
[20]  Wang JX,Wang S,Studying On Constitutive Equations Of Thermo-Elasto-Plastic Evanescence Impact Problems For Large-Scale Slab,Proceedings of International Symposium on Modern Applied Technology and Management Science, Journal North China University of Technology, 2005,8:774-779(ISSN1001-5477//CN11-2555/TF)
[21]  Wang JX,Ning JG,Numerical Analysis Of Contact Thermo-Elastic-Plasticity Problems With Creep For Large-Scale Slab, Proceedings of International Symposium on Modern Applied Technology and Management Science, Journal North China University of Technology, 2005,8:810-816(ISSN1001-5477//CN11-2555/TF)
[22]  Wang JX,Wang XC,Research on Thermo Quality Transmission Problems for Large-Scale Slab with Creep,Computational Methods In Engineering And Science,Epmesc X, Aug. 21-23, 2006, Sanya, Hainan, China,Tsinghua University Press & Springer-Verlag(to be printed)
Invited by:
[1]      the 6th International Conference on Education and Practice of Computational Methods in Engineering and Science( EPMESC VI),4-7 Augst 1997;
[2]      The 3th International Conference On Nonlinear Mechanics(ICNM-Ⅳ),August 17-20, 1998,Shanghai;
[3]      The 17th International Conference Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology(IASMiRT),TOP HOTEL Prague, Czech Republic, August 17-22,2003; 
[4]      International Association for Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology(IASMiRT), Brno Univ Tech, Brno, Czech Republic, Czech Association of Mechanics Engineers;
[5]      The 4th International Conference on Fluid Mechanics(ICFM-IV),July 28-31,2003,Dalian China;
[6]      International Conference on Heterogenous Mechanics, June 24-29,2003,ChongqingUniv.and YangTze River/Three Gorges, China;
[7]      ICCES'''''''''''''''''''''''''''05-INDIA ((International Conference on Computational and Experimental Engineering & Sciences);
[8]      ECCM2006 - III European Conference on Computational Solid and Structural Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, 5-8 June 2006;
[9]      EPMESC IX - the 9th International Conference on Enhancement and Promotionof Computational Methods in Engineering and Science,25 - 28, Nov. 2003, Univ of Macau, Macao;
[10]  Fifth International Conference on Nonlinear Mechanics (ICNM-V), June 11-14, 2007, Shanghai, China;
[11]  The tenth EPMESC (Education, Practice and Promotion of Computational Methods in Engineering Using Small Computers)international conference,August 21-23, 2006,Sanya.


1. The 2th International Symposium on the Role of Engineering Mechanics in the Training of Engineers, 12-15, October,1998,Beijing, China, Chairman: Prof. Bingye Xu(China), M. Tokuda(Japan), Organized by Educational Committee of Chinese Socitety of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Co.- Organized by Tsinghua University, China; North China University of Technology, China, Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China;

2.     The 4th International Symposium on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of New Engineering Materials, 20-23, September, 1999,Beijing, China, Chairman: Prof. Bingye Xu(China), M. Tokuda(Japan). Organized by Tsinghua University, China; Mie University, Japan,NorthChinaUniversityof Technology, China, Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China;
3.     The 4th International Conference On Nonlinear Mechanics(ICNM-Ⅳ) and IUTAM Symposium on Duality-Complementarity-Symmetry in Nonlinear Mechanics(SDCS),August 13-16, 2002,Shanghai Baolong Hotel-Shanghai Univ.,Chairman: Prof. Chien Wei-zang (China);Prof. Ogden Ray W.(UK),Sponsored by Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality, Shanghai University, Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Science Foundation of United States of America, K.C.Wong Education Foundation of United States of America, Shanghai Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Shanghai Center for Nonlinear Sciences, Editorial Board of “Applied Mathematics and Mechanics”;
4.     The 3th International Conference On Boundary Element Techniques,10-12,September 2002,Tsinghua Univ., Chairman:Prof. Zhenhan Yao(China);Prof. M. H. Aliabadi(UK),Sponsored by Tsinghua University, China, University of London, UK, Beijing Society of Mechanics, Beijing Association of Science and Technology, National Natural Science Foundation of China;
5.     The 6th International Symposium on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of New Engineering Materials,26 October-1 November 2003,Wuhan Univ. Tech.,China, Chairman:Prof. Bingye Xu(China);Prof. Masataka Tokuda(Japan),Prof. Guozheng Sun(China). Organized by Tsinghua University, China;WuhanUniversityof Technology, China, Mie University, Japan, Sponsored by National Natural Science Foundation of China,WuhanUniversityof Technology, China;
6.     The Six World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM Ⅵ) in Conjunction with Second Asian-Pacific Congress for Computational Mechanics (APCOM 04), the Beijing Hotel, Beijing, China , September 5-10, 2004, Congress Honorary Chairmen: L. X. Qian (China),O. C. Zienkiewicz(UK),Organization Institutions, Organizers: International Association for Computational Mechanics, Asian-Pacific Association for Computational Mechanics; Local Organizer: The Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics ,Chinese Association of Computational Mechanics, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Dalian University of Technology, Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Science; Sponsors: Ministry of Science and Technology of China,National Natural Science Foundation of China, Ministry of Education of China, South China; University of Technology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Hehai University, Wuhan University of Technology.

7.International Symposium on Modern Applied Technology and Management Science, 2005, North China University of Technology, Beijing, China, September 1st, 2005 to September 4th, 2005, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona (USA),Southern Polytechnic State University (USA),East Tennessee State University (USA),Central Michigan University (USA),University of Central Lancashire (UK),Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences (Germany),University of Kassel (Germany),Gangnam University (Korea),Takushoku University (Japan),Nippon Bunri University (Japan),Far Eastern State Technical University (Russia),Roman University (Italy).


1.     项目名称:瞬态热载荷下多孔介质中力学行为动态描述,项目来源:北京市青年科技骨干基金项目,项目主持人,项目编号:19990301,起止时间:1999/09-2001/09,(1.0万)
2.     项目名称:基础力学CAI模式构建及实践探索,项目来源:北方工业大学教研教改课题,项目主持人,项目编号:,起止时间:1997/5-1998/8,(0.05万)
3.     项目名称:考虑渗流作用的流固耦合课变形多孔介质动态边界问题研究,项目来源:北方工业大学科研基金项目,项目主持人,项目编号:,起止时间:1998/5-1999/10,(0.3万)
4.     项目名称:热流固耦合作用下多孔介质的热弹塑性动力特征研究,项目来源:北方工业大学科研基金项目,项目主持人,项目编号:,起止时间:2000/10-2001/12,(0.4万)
5.     项目名称:新型建筑材料在强热动力影响下的特性研究及应用,项目来源:北方工业大学科研基金项目,项目主持人,项目编号:,起止时间:2001/10- 2002/10,(0.5万)
6.     项目名称:工科类基础力学课程《工程力学》(Ⅰ-Ⅲ)课程内容体系整合与各类人才培养研究,项目来源:北方工业大学教研基金项目,项目主持人,项目编号:,起止时间:2002/09-2003/10,(0.1万)
7.     项目名称:力学系列课程改革实践,项目来源:北方工业大学教研基金,项目第2完成人,2等奖,项目编号:,起止时间:1998/02-2000/09,()
8.     项目名称:热冲击动力下的建筑材料力学特性理论与试验研究,项目来源:北方工业大学科研基金项目,项目主持人,项目编号:20020304,起止时间:2002/10-2003/10,(0.4万)
9.     项目名称:青藏铁路工程与多年冻土相互作用及其环境效应,专题:土体冻融过程中水、热、力三场耦合机理研究,项目来源:中国科学院知识创新工程重大项目,专题负责人,项目编号:No.:KZCX1-SW-04,起止时间:2002/10-2005/10,(总2200.0万,分15万)(The Knowledge Innovation Program of theChineseAcademyof Sciences)
10.  项目名称:复合材料结构宏观力学性能反分析方法研究,项目来源:北京市自然科学基金项目项目组成员,项目编号:(),起止时间:2000/10-2003/10,(8.0万)(Beijing Natural Science Foundation Program)
11.  项目名称:从生活废水中提取余热的综合技术开发,项目来源:北京市教育委员会科技发展项目项目组成员,项目编号:No.:2002KJ025,起止时间:2002/10-2003/10,(15.0万)(Scientific Research Common Program of Beijing Municipal Commission of Education)
12.  项目名称:力学教学与工程教育结合的新模式研究,项目来源:北方工业大学教改基金项目,北方工业大学2003年高等教育教学成果奖二等奖,第2完成人(共5人),项目编号:(北方工业大学文件,北方工大校发【2003】26号),起止时间:2001/02-2003/09,()
13.  项目名称:力学系列课程群,北方工业大学2003校级优质课程,(北方工业大学文件,北方工大校发【2003】27号),(工程力学责任课教师)负责内容:工程力学系列课程(含:工程力学Ⅰ(1、2)、工程力学Ⅱ(1、2)、工程力学Ⅲ(1、2))
14.  项目名称:校园力学工程与力学文化建设研究, 项目来源:北方工业大学教改基金项目,项目负责人,起止时间:2004/11-2005/05,(0.08万)
15.  项目名称:力学创新与综合性实验及与教学结合研究,项目来源:北方工业大学教改基金项目,项目负责人(实际),起止时间:2004/11-2005/05,(0.15万)
16.  项目名称:力学综合与设计性实验研究,项目来源:北方工业大学教改基金项目,项目负责人,起止时间:2005/9-2006/9,(0.08)


1.     项目名称:青藏铁路工程与多年冻土相互作用及其环境效应,专题:土体冻融过程中水、热、力三场耦合机理研究,项目来源:中国科学院知识创新工程重大项目,专题负责人,项目编号:No.:KZCX1-SW-04,起止时间:2002/10-2005/10,(总2200.0万,分15万)(The Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences);

2. 项目名称:复杂载荷作用下大跨度梁力学特性模拟与实验研究,项目来源:北方工业大学学生科技项目,指导教师,(2004/09-2006/09);

3.     项目名称:大型地下室顶板结构热弹塑性动力模型及应用, 项目来源:北京市教育委员会科技发展计划面上项目项目负责人,(2006/01-2007/12)(项目编号:KM200610009010,7万元)(Scientific Research Common Program of Beijing Municipal Commission of Education);

4.项目名称:自主转向悬挂式独轨车实验研究, 项目来源:北京市自然科学基金项目及北京市教育委员会科技发展计划重点项目,项目成员,(2006/01-2007/12)(项目编号:KZ200610009005,20万元)(Beijing Natural Science Foundation Program and Scientific Research Key Program of Beijing Municipal Commission of Education)。
